Dr. Giri's contributions have been in the areas of Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse (NEMP) simulators, design of radiating systems for high-power microwave (HPM) systems and developing ultrawideband (UWB) antenna systems. He has continuously worked in these three fields (NEMP, HPM and UWB) of applied electromagnetism, since his graduation from Harvard in 1975.

NEMP Simulators

Dr. Giri has been a leader in the design of NEMP guided wave (transmission line type) simulators. Some of these simulators pose unique engineering problems, owing to their large sizes. He has solved these problems in both quality and cost effective ways. He has demonstrated skills in working with high-voltage engineers, pulse power engineers and program managers in seeing several projects to successful completion.
Dr. Giri is an electromagnetic expert responsible for the design and optimization of major NEMP simulators in the U.S., Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, Germany and Israel. He is well reputed for the quality of his technical work in governmental organizations of many nations.

HPM Antennas

UWB Systems