Non-Resident Indian (NRI) of the Year Award 2023

At a Function held in Constitution Club, New Delhi on 25 January 2023 in connection with India’s 74th Republic Day Celebration on 26 January 2023

IEEE EMC Society Hall of Fame Award 2022 Awarded at the IEEE Annual EMC +SIPI Conference held in Spokane Washington, USA. August 1-5, 2022

- Served as General Chair for ASIAEM 2017 (Bengaluru, India)
- Served as Technical Program Committee Chair for ASIAEM 2017(Bengaluru, India)
- Served as Technical Program Committee Chair for EUROEM 2016 (London, United Kingdom)
- Served as Technical Program Committee Chair for ASIAEM 2015 (Jeju, Republic of Korea)
- Served as Technical Program Committee Chair for AMEREM 2014 (Albuquerque, NM, USA)
- Served as Technical Program Committee Chair for EUROEM 2012 (Toulouse, France)
- Best Applied Paper Award by Summa Foundation 2006-2007
- Best Applied Paper Award by Summa Foundation 2002-2003
- Best Applied Paper Award by Summa Foundation 1990-1991
- Recipient of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society’s 2006 John Kraus Antenna Award
- FELLOW of Summa Foundation in 1994
- Served as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility
- Served on the editorial board of the Journal of Electromagnetics
- International Chairman of Commission E, URSI/USNC (2015-2017)
- Currently Member of Commission B, URSI
- Charter Member of the Electromagnetics Society
- Presently LIFE FELLOW of IEEE
- FELLOW of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) [2008]
- Member of IEEE since 1972
- Elected to the Grade of Fellow by the EMP Fellows Committee of Summa Foundation with the citation of "for contributions to EMP simulator design and HPM antenna design", June 1994.
- Received FOUR TIMES - the "BEST HPE PAPER AWARD" in the category of Best Applied Paper (1990-1991), (2002-2003), (2006-2007) and (2012-2013) from HPE AWARDS COMMITTEE of SUMMA Foundation.
- Received a "Certificate of Appreciation" for participation in the successful completion of the E-3A AWACS System level EMP tests at Kirtland AFB, New Mexico, 1978
- Received 2006 John Kraus Antenna Award from IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society.

The John Kraus Antenna Award honors an individual or team that has made a significant advance in antenna technology.

Dr. C. E. Baum

Dr. D. V. Giri

Dr. E. G. Farr
In 2006, this was awarded to Carl E. Baum, D. V. Giri, and Everett G. Farr “For development of novel and innovative ultra-wideband antenna concepts that have enabled a new area of electromagnetics.”

Carl Baum Medal Award and SEMIC Felicitation to Dr. D. V. Giri during ASIAEM 2017 held in Bengaluru, India


Hind Rattan and Non-Resident Indian (NRI) of the Year Award, January 2017