- "High-Power Electromagnetic (HPEM) Testing and Analysis of Swiss Defense Facility Using an Impulse Radiating Antenna (IRA) in both Transient and CW Operation",
with F. M. Tesche, P.F. Bertholet, Armin Kaelin, A Jaquier and M. Nyffeler, Interaction Note 635, 2 February 2020. - "A Preliminary Assessment of Radio Frequency Threats to Airports, D.V. Giri, F.M. Tesche",
- "On the Behavior and Measurement of Electromagnetic Fields within an enclosure",
- "Transformer Response to Fast Transient Excitations",
- "Analysis of Stray Capacitances in Compact Marx Generators”,
with S. Banerjee, Sensor and Simulation Note 582, 22 December 2019. - "HEMP Response Estimates of Buried Cables within a Communication Facility",
- "Direct Strike Lightning Response Estimates of Buried Cables within a communication Facility",
- "Modelling of Cable Conduits with Nonlinear Permeability",
- "Spectrally Flat Antenna Designs and Reshaped TEM Horns",
- "HPEM Environment Capabilities at armasuisse in Switzerland",
- "Micro-Impulse Radiating Antennas (MIRA)" ,
- "The Electron and the Ilectron",
- "The Effect of Minor Radius on the Performance of a Helical Antenna",
- "Design Aspects of a Dual Conical Lens between a High-Voltage Pulser and a Helical Antenna",
- "Design of an Ultra-Wideband Ground-Penetrating Radar System Using Impulse Radiating Antennas",
- "Conformal Impulse Receive Antennas",
- "Risetime Evolution in HEMP (High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse) E1Waveforms - Technology and Standards",
- "Modification of Impulse-Radiating Antenna Waveforms for Infrastructure Element Testing",
- "Considerations for a Compact Loop Antenna and the Benefits of Subdividing the Loop into many Loops",
- "Design of a Certain Class of Broad Band Dipole Antennas",
- "A New Set of Electrodes for Coaxial, Quarter Wave, Switched Oscillators",
- "Modeling of Propagation Losses in Common Residential and Commercial Building Walls",
- "Modifications to a Commercial Impulse Radiating Antenna (IRA) for Accurate Mono-static Impulse Radar Application",
- "Swiss Impulse Radiating Antenna (SWIRA) Characterization in the Presence of a Local Ground Plane (Earth)",
- "On the Natural Oscillation Frequencies of a Straight Wire",
- "Energy Patterns of the Prototype-Impulse Radiating Antenna (IRA)",
- "Radiation Patterns of a Reflector Type of Impulse Radiating Antenna (IRA) Relating Time and Frequency Domains",
- "Peak Power Gain in Time Domain of Impulse Radiating Antennas (IRAs)",
- "Switched Oscillators and Their Integration into Helical Antennas"
- "Relationship between NEMP Standards and Simulator Performance Specifications"
- "Induced Transients on an Underground Cable by a Hyperband Signals"
- "Scattered EM Field Responses of Canonical Scatterers Illuminated by an Impulse Radiating Antenna (IRA)"
- "Double Pulse Techniques for Defending from Hostile Systems"
- "Component Damage and Protection Schemes from High-Power Electromagnetic (HPEM) Environments"
- "VEPES Reconfiguration and Considerations of a New and Improved Pulser",
- "Design Fabrication and Testing of a Timed-Array of TEM Horns for Beam Steering"
- "The Breakdown Field and Risetimes of Select Gasses Under Condition of Fast Charging (~ 20ns and less) and High Pressures (20-100 atmospheres)"
- "Operating
Manual for the Test-Bed Pulser"
with H. Lackner and V.Carboni, Final Report submitted to Dr. J. Lehr, Air Force Research Laboratory/DEHP, Kirtland AFB, NM.87117, 2 November 2001 - "Fabricational Details of the 6-Foot IRA"
- "Evaluation of the Terminating Impedance in the Conical-Line Feed of the 6-foot IRA"
- "Coupling Electromagnetic Energy Onto Electronic Systems"
- "Modeling
EMP Targets from Source to End Points"
with Dr. F.M. Tesche, Dr. Balram Prasad and Mr. Robert Pfeffer, NBC Report, U.S. Army Nuclear and Chemical Agency, Fall/Winter 2000, pp. 16-19. - "Boresight Fields of a Reflector Type of an Impulse Radiating Antenna"
- "Design, Fabrication and Testing of a Prototype Impulse Radiating Antenna,"
- "Electromagnetic Design Considerations of a Bi-Static Ultra-Wideband Radar System,"
- "Design Guidelines for Flat-Plate Conical Guided-Wave EMP Simulators with Distributed Terminators,"
- "Propagation of Impulse-Like Waveforms Through the Ionosphere Modelled by a Cold Plasma,"
- "Low-Power
Microwave (LPM) Radiating System,"
Final Report submitted to Swiss DPA, Spiez, Switzerland, 11 December 1995. - "Radiated Spectra of Impulse Radiating Antennas (IRAs),"
- "A Reflector Antenna for Radiating Impulse-Like Waveforms,"
- "Field-Containing Solenoidal Inductors,"
- "Estimates of Peak Values of Near and Far Fields of Prototype IRAs,"
- "Design Considerations of a Uniform Dielectric Lens for Launching a Spherical TEM Wave onto the Prototype IRA,"
- "Preliminary Evaluation of the Terminating Impedance in the Conical-Line Feed of IRAs,"
- "Fabricational Details of a Prototype IRA,"
- "Time-Domain Radiated Fields of a Resistively Loaded Biconical Antenna Based on a Transmission- Line Model,"
- "Reflector IRA Design and Boresight Temporal Waveforms,"
- "Experimental Study of Peaking Capacitors in MEMPS and Development of Dihedral Capacitors,"
- "Bounded
Wave Simulator Studies,"
Final report submitted to U.S. Army Construction Engineering Laboratory, Champaign, IL under Govt. Contract No. DACA88-92-M-0764, 19 January 1993. - "Analysis of Blockage Effects on TEM-fed Paraboloidal Reflector Antennas (Part II:TEM Horn Illumination),"
- "On the Low-frequency Electric Dipole Moment of Impulse Radiating Antennas (IRA's),"
- "Useful Future Experiments for HPM Radiation Systems,"
- "Mark 0 Phaser,"
- "Mark N Phaser,"
- "On the Interaction of Electromagnetic Field with Wire Cage Structure,"
- "Effects of Waveguide Dispersion on HPM Signals,"
- "Configuration
of Marx Pulser for the DREO (CANADA) Simulator,"
submitted to Maxwell Laboratories, Inc., under subcontract No. MLS-JS91-1096, May 6 1991. - "Canonical Examples of High-Power Microwaves (HPM) Radiating Systems for the Case of one Feeding Waveguide,"
- "Preliminary Considerations for High-Power Microwave (HPM) Radiating Systems,"
- "Electromagnetic
Field Computations in the Hybrid and Bounded Wave EMP Simulators
Final Report submitted to Govt. of Israel, July 4, 1990. - "High-Frequency Capacitors,"
- "Low Voltage Experiments Concerning a Section of a Pulser Array Near the Air-Earth Interface,"
- "Circuit Model for a Marx Generator with Peaking Elements,"
- "User
Manual for GINY (Computes Nearfields of a Loaded Elliptic
with J. Fang and M. Nyffeler, Final Report to DTPA, Switzerland, November 1989. - "Near Fields of an Impedance Loaded Elliptical Antenna,"
- " A Family of Canonical Examples for High Frequency Propagation on Unit Cell of Wave-Launcher Array,"
- "Impedance Matrix Characterization of an Incremental Length of a Periodic Array of Wave Launchers,"
- "Response of an Overhead Wire Near a NEMP Simulator,"
- "Field Excitation of a Two-Wire Transmission Line in a TEM Cell,"
- "Wave Transport Across the Marx-Peaker Assembly in ATLAS I for the Case of 8 Optimally Distributed Peaker Arms,"
- "Coupled Transmission-Line Model of Marx Generator with Peaking-Capacitor Arms,"
- "Optimal Positioning of a Set of Peaker Arms in a Ground Plane,"
- "Effective Rise Time Resulting From a Convolution of Waveforms with Exponential and Gaussian Rise Characteristics,"
- "Early Time Performance at Large Distances of Periodic Arrays of Flat-Plate Conical Wave Launchers,"
- "Review of Characteristic Impedance of Two Conductor Transmission Lines,"
- "Monopole Emissions in a TEM Cell and its Relationship to Emissions in Free Space,"
- "Engineering
Study for ATLAS-I (TRESTLE) Pulse Power System Reconfiguration,"
with P. Champney, I. Smith, R. Altes, W. Weseloh, P. Corcoran, Prepared by Pulse Sciences for Government Contract F29601-82-C-0030, Subtask Statement 03-011/00, October 1986. - "Equivalent Displacement for a High-Voltage Rollup on the Edge of a Conducting Sheet,"
- "Design Procedures for Arrays which Approximate a Distributed Source at the Air-Earth Interface,"
- "Surface-Current-Density Measurements Via Apertures,"
- "Lumped Element Networks for Replacing Sections of a Buried Transmission Line,"
- "The Distributed Switch for Launching Spherical Waves,"
- "Processing, Evaluation and Analysis of the Magnetic Field Data Acquired By the F-106B Nose Boom Sensor,"
- "Field-Containing Inductors,"
- "Theoretical Considerations for Optimal Positioning of Peaking Capacitor Arms About a Marx Generator Parallel to a Ground Plane,"
- "Peaking
Capacitor Specifications and Acceptance Test Procedures,"
ATLAS Memo 36, 27 April 1985. - "Optimal Positioning of Peaking Capacitor Arms in ATLAS I,"
- "Grounding
Impedance Measurements Up to 50 MHz,"
with S.H. Sands for Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA, under P.O. XS1-50168-1M138, 17 August 1984. - "Military
Standard Electromagnetic Emission and Susceptibility Test
Requirements and Approaches,"
with T.K. Liu, for Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA, under P.O. XS1-50168-1M138, 20 July 1984. - "Airborne Platform for Measurement of Transient or Broadband CW Electromagnetic Fields,"
- "Further Considerations for Trailing Wire Antenna Testing in ATLAS I Facility,"
- "Effects of Notch After the Peak in Marx Pulser Voltage in ATLAS I Facility,"
- "Vanishing Radial Electromagnetic Fields in a Conical Transmission Line,"
- "Effects
of Asynchronism Between East and West Pulsers in ATLAS I Facility,"
with S.H. Sands, ATLAS Memo 32, 1 February 1984. - "Electromagnetic Field Computation for a Conical Plate Transmission Line Type of Simulator,"
- "Design of B Sensor for the Nose Boom of F-106B Aircraft,
- "Electromagnetic Considerations for Trailing Wire Antenna Testing in ATLAS I Facility,"
- "Field
Coupling to HF Antenna,"
with F.M. Tesche and R.S. Noss, Submitted to BDM Corp., under Contract No. BDM-S-357-OH6300, 19 June 1983. - "Analysis of Direct and Nearby Lightning Strike Data for Aircraft,"
- "Report
of Technical Activities as a Visiting Scientist,"
Indian Space Research Organization, ISAC, Bangalore, India, 28 February 1983. - "Numerical Evaluation of Jacobian Elliptic Functions, Elliptic Integrals of All Three Kinds, and the Jacobi Zeta Function,"
- "TRESTLE Pulser Improvement Study,"
- "Development
of Lumped Parameter Network Technology for EMP Coupling to
Linear Antennas,"
with F.M. Tesche, Final Report submitted to Harry Diamond Laboratories, under Govt. Contract No. DAAK21-79-C-0145, 30 September 1980. - "Electromagnetic Characterization of a Marx Pulse Generator,"
- "A Study of the Monocone Switch Used with Marx Pulsers,"
- "Review of Electrical Characteristics of Marx Pulsers in ATLAS I,"
- "Parallel Plate Transmission Line Type of EMP Simulators: A Systematic Review and Recommendations,"
- "Calculated and Experimental Responses of EMP Excited Power Cables on the TACAMO Aircraft,"
- "A
Comparison of Experimental and Numerical Results for Multiconductor
Transmission Line-Networks,"
with S.K. Chang, F.M. Tesche and T.K. Liu, Interaction Application Memo 27, August 1978. - "EMP
Coupling to an In-Flight MX Missile in the 0-20 km Altitude
with F.M. Tesche and S.K. Chang, Final Report, DNA 4616F, Defense Nuclear Agency, Washington, DC, March 1978. - "Design
and Suggested Methods of Evaluating a Spatial Modal Filter,"
with C.E. Baum, ALECS Memo 11, 22 January 1979. - "Electromagnetic Considerations of a Spatial Modal Filter for Suppression of non-TEM Modes in the Transmission Line Type of EMP Simulators,"
- "Field Excitation of Multiconductor Transmission Lines,"
- "A Coupling Model for a Pair of Skewed Transmission Lines,"
- "A Note on the Transverse Distributions of Surface Charge Densities on Multiconductor Transmission Lines,"
- "Application of Cauchy's Residue Theorem in Evaluating the Poles and Zeros of Complex Meromorphic Functions and Apposite Computer Programs,"
- "Some
Critical Factors in Obtaining Valid Information from EMP Tests
on Complex Systems,"
with C.E. Baum, System Tests Memo 1, 12 June 1977. - "The Lack of Electromagnetic Skills among EMP Related Personnel,"
- "Experimental Investigations into Higher-Order Mode Effects and Simulator/Object Interaction in Parallel-Plate Transmission-Line Geometries,"
- "An Experimental Evaluation and Improvement of the ALECS Terminator,"
- "An Overview of EM Considerations of ATLAS in the Context of Current and Future Efforts,"
- "Environmental Improvements in ATLAS I Derivable from Potential Pulser Improvements,"
with C.E. Baum and K.C. Chen, ATLAS Memo 21, 13 December 1976. - "ACHATES DESIGN,"
with K.C. Chen, Capt. G. Michaelidis, and C.E. Baum, ACHATES Memo 1, (revised), 5 November 1976. - "Some Performance Parameters for Various EMP Simulators,"
- "Low Frequency Distant Fields for ATLAS I and II and Comparison with ALECS and ARES,"
- "Pulser Test Results and Preliminary Estimation of Transient Electric Field Waveforms in ATLAS I,"
- "Electromagnetic Field Distribution of the TEM Mode in a Symmetrical Two-Parallel-Plate Transmission Line,"
- "Further Developments in the Application of Contour Integration of the Evaluation of the Zeros of Analytic Functions and Relevant Computer Programs,"
- "On Delta Functions, Part I: A Review of Various Representations and Properties of Dirac Delta Functions,"
- "Accurate Evaluation of the Impedance Matrix Elements in the Hallen Integral Equation for Wire Antennas,"
- "Electrically Small Loop Antenna Loaded by a Homogenous and Isotropic Ferrite Cylinder, Part II,"
Division of Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, Technical Report No. 668, July 1978. - "Electrically Small Loop Antenna Loaded by a Homogenous and Isotropic Ferrite Cylinder, Part I,"
DEAP, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, Technical Report No. 646, July 1973. - "Near Electric Field Tangential to a Driven Cylindrical Antenna Immersed in a Dissipative Medium,"
with L.D. Scott and S.A. Long, Division of Engineering and Applied Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, Air Force Sci, Rep. 14, September 1972.
Pierre Bertholet and Markus Nyffeler, Interaction Note 634, 28 January 2020
with F. M. Tesche and Markus Nyffeler, Interaction Note 633, 19 November 2019.
with F. M. Tesche and Markus Nyffeler, Interaction Note 632, 19 November 2019.
with F. M. Tesche and A. W. Kaelin, Interaction Note 631, 7 November 2019
with F.M. Tesche and A. W. Kaelin, Interaction Note 630, 6 November 2019
with F. M. Tesche and Armin Kaelin, Interaction Note 629, 1 June 2019.
with W. D. Prather, Sensor and Simulation Note 579, 1 December 2018.
with F.M Tesche, Dr. Armin Kälin, Mr. Markus Nyffeler, Mr. Pierre Bertholet (Retired) Dr. Peter Merki and Dr. Carlos Romero, Sensor and Simulation Note 580, 25 October 2018.
Sensor and Simulation Note 578, 12 September 2017.
with I.L. Gallonand CE Baum (Posthumously), Physics Note 22, December 2016.
with F. M. Tesche and Jerrold Levine, Sensor and Simulation Note 577, 15 April 2016.
with Jerrold Levine, Sensor and Simulation Note 576, 15 April 2016.
with J.B. Rhebergen, A.P.M. Zwamborn, Sensor and Simulation Note 575, 21 February 2016.
with M.D. Abdalla, M.C. Skipper, Y. Rahmat-Samii, Sensor and Simulation Note 574, 18 February 2016.
with William D. Prather, Sensor and Simulation Note 573, 25 December 2015.
with Dr. F. M. Tesche, Sensor and Simulation Note 572, 25 October 2015.
with F.M. Tesche, Sensor and Simulation Note 571, 12 September 2015.
with I L Gallon, Sensor and Simulation Note 570, Idus Martiae 2015.
with Felix Vega, and Farhad Rachidi, Sensor and Simulation Note 560, October 2012.
with F. M. Tesche, Interaction Note 624, 15 August 2013.
Sensor and Simulation Note 553, 2 February 2011.
with F. M. Tesche and M. Nyffeler, Sensor and Simulation Note 557, 25 October 2011.
with F. M. Tesche, Interaction Note 621, 18 June 2011.
with F. M. Tesche. Sensor and Simulation Note 550, 25 February 2010.
with K. Sunitha and J. Thomas, Sensor and Simulation 545, 25 October 2009.
Sensor and Simulation Note 546, 25 October 2009.
,with F. M. Tesche, M. D. Abdalla, M. C. Skipper and M. Nyffeler, Circuit and Electromagnetic System design Note 58, 4 July 2009.
,with W. D. Prather and C. E. Baum, Sensor and Simulation Note 538, Idus Martiae 2009.
, with K. Sunitha and J. Thomas, Interaction Note 612, 25 October 2009.
, with F. M. Tesche and W. D. Prather, Circuit and Electromagnetic System Design Note 51, 1 April 2006.
, with Prof. T. T. Wu, Interaction Note 602, 4 July 2006.
, with Dr. Balram Prasad, Dr, F.M.Tesche and Mr. Robert Pfeffer, NBC Report, U.S. Army Nuclear and Chemical Agency, Fall/Winter 2001, pp 23-28.
Final report submitted to Mr. M.Nyffeler, NEMP Laboratory, AC Zentrum, Spiez, Switzerland, 30 November 2001.
, Final Report submitted to Dr. Lehr, Air Force Research Laboratory/DEHP, Kirtland AFB, NM87117, 30 November, 2001.
, Final Report submitted to Dr. Jane Lehr, Air Force Research Laboratory/DEHP, Kirtland AFB, NM87117, 8 November 2001.
with B.Cockreham, F.R.Gruner, H.LaValley, T.Smith, D.McLemone, J. Burger, R. Torres, T. Tran, W.Prather and C.E.Baum, Prototype IRA Memo 7, 28 August, 2001 (revised).
, with M.Abdalla, M.Skipper, H.LaValley, T. Smith, D.McLemone, J. Burger, R. Torres, T.Tran, W.Prather, C.E.Baum, Prototype IRA Memo 8, 15 April 2001.
with Dr. F.M. Tesche, Dr. Balram Prasad and Mr. Robert Pfeffer, NBC Report, U.S. Army Nuclear and Chemical Agency, Spring/Summer 2001, pp 35-38.
, Symposium Record of the International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Organized by Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg, Germany, October 5-7, 1999, pp 333-336.
with A.Kaelin and B.Reusser, Final Report submitted to NEMP Laboratory, Gruppe Rustung, Spiez, Switzerland, 11 December 1996.
with W.Pont, F.Koenis, A.Wilbers, J.J.A.Klaasen and A.P.M.Zwamborne, Final Report submitted to TNO Physics and Electronics Laboratory, The Hague, The Netherlands, 4 November 1996.
with C.E.Baum, Sensor and Simulation Note 402, 25 October 1996.
with S.L.Dvorak, Theoretical Note 366, 2 February 1996.
Sensor and Simulation Note 386, 23 November 1995.
Sensor and Simulation Note 382, 4 July 1995.
with C.E.Baum, Sensor and Simulation Note 368, 4 July 1994.
with H.Lackner, Prototype IRA Memo 4, 15 May 1994.
Prototype IRA Memo 3, 15 May 1994.
Prototype IRA Memo 2, 15 May 1994.
with H.Lackner, Prototype IRA Memo 1, 1 May 1994.
Sensor and Simulation Note 366, 1 April 1994.
with C.E.Baum, Sensor and Simulation Note 365, 2 February 1994.
AC Laboratory, Swiss Government, Spiez, Switzerland, 02 November 1993.
with Y.Rahmat-Samii, Sensor and Simulation Note 349, 3 November 1992.
with S.Y. Chu, Sensor and Simulation Note 346, 5 October 1992.
with Y. Rhamat-Samii, Microwave Memo 7, 4 August 1992.
with Y. Rhamat-Samii, Microwave Memo 6, 1 May 1992.
with C.E. Baum, Microwave Memo 5, 4 February1992.
with M. Nyffeler, B. Braendli, B. Reusser, E. Doerrand E. Tomer, Interaction Note 485, 25 October 1991.
with Y. Rahmat-Samii, Sensor and Simulation Note 331, 12 September 1991.
Sensor and Simulation Note 326, 10 April 1991.
Circuit and Electromagnetic System Design Note 40, 28 December 1990.
with C.E. Baum, Energy Storage and Dissipation Note 10, March 15, 1990.
with Y.G. Chen, S. Lloyd, R. Crumley and C.E. Baum, Sensor and Simulation Note 322, February 20, 1990.
with M. Nyffeler, Final Report to DTPA, Switzerland, November 1989.
with J. Fang and P. Mani, Final Report to DTPA, Switzerland, November 1989.
Sensor and Simulation Note 316, 1 April 1989.
Sensor and Simulation Note 316, 1 April 1989.
with D. Hansen, H. Schaer, D. Koenigstein, H. Hoitink and H. Garbe, Interaction Note 470, September 1988.
with D. Hansen, H. Schaer, D. Koenigstein and H. Hoitink, Interaction Note 468, 4 July 1988.
ATLAS Memo 38, 27 June 1988.
with C.E. Baum, Circuit and Electromagnetic System Design Note 36, 27 June 1988.
with C.E. Baum, Circuit and Electromagnetic System Design Note 35, 12 February 1988.
Measurement Note 33, 14 May 1987.
with C.E. Baum, Sensor and Simulation Note 299, 1 April 1987.
with N. Ari, Brown Boveri Research Center, Baden, Switzerland, publication as an Internal Report No. KLR-86-121B, December 1986, also published as Sensor and Simulation Note 301, 22 May 1987.
with H. Schaer, D. Hansen and H. Hoitink, Brown Boveri Research Center, Baden, Switzerland, publication as an Internal Report No. KLR-86-164B, November 1986, also published as Sensor and Simulation Note 302, 22 May 1987.
with C.E. Baum, Sensor and Simulation Note 294, 15 October 1986.
with Y.G. Chen, S. Lloyd, R. Crumley and C.E. Baum, Sensor and Simulation Note 292, 1 May 1986.
with Y.G. Chen, S. Lloyd, R. Crumley and C.E. Baum, Sensor and Simulation Note 290, 14 October 1985.
with Y.G. Chen, R. Crumley, S. Lloyd and C.E. Baum, Sensor and Simulation Note 288, 12 September 1985.
with C.E. Baum, Sensor and Simulation Note 289, 28 August 1985.53.;289, 28 August 1985.
with S.H. Sands, EM Platform Memo 2, 26 August 1985.
with Y.G. Chen, R. Crumley and C.E. Baum, Sensor and Simulation Note 287, 18 July 1985.
with C.E. Baum, Circuit and Electromagnetic System Design Note 33, 26 June 1985.
ATLAS Memo 35, 1 April 1985.
with C.E. Baum, Sensor and Simulation Note 284, 22 May 1984.
with R.S. Noss and S.H. Sands, ATLAS Memo 34, 20 March 1984.
with R.S. Noss and R.L. Hutchins, ATLAS Memo 33, 1 March 1984.
with T.L. Brown and H. Schilling, DIESES Memo 2, February 2, 1984.
T.L. Brown and H. Schilling, DIESES Memo 1, 23 November 1983.
" with S.H. Sands, EM Platform Memo 1, 5 September 1983.
ATLAS Memo 31, 22 June 1983.
with R.S. Noss, D.B. Phuoc and F.M. Tesche, NASA Contract Report No. 172127, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA 23665, June 1983.
with T.L. Brown and J.P. Martinez, Mathematics Note 70, 1 April 1981.
with J.M. Stein, Final Report Submitted to the Weapons Laboratory under Govt. Contract No. F29601-78-0082, Subtask 04-06/00, 26 January 1981.
with F.R. Graham, Final Report submitted to the Air Force Weapons Laboratory under Govt. Contract No. F29601-78-C-0082, Subtask 04-10/00, 30 April 1980.
ATLAS Memo 26, 28 September 1979.
with F.R. Graham, ATLAS Memo 25, 10 September 1979.
with T.K. Liu, F.M. Tesche and R.W.P. King, Sensor and Simulation Note 261, 25 May 1979.
with S.K. Chang, F.M. Tesche and T.K. Liu, Interaction Application Memo 28, August 1978.
with C.E. Baum and H. Schilling, Sensor and Simulation Note 247, 29 December 1978.
with F.M. Tesche, T.K. Liu and S.K. Chang, Interaction Note 351, September 1978.
with S.K. Chang and F.M. Tesche, Interaction Note 349, 12 September 1978.
with F.M. Tesche and S.K. Chang, Interaction Note 337, 1 April 1978.
with C.E. Baum, Mathematics Note 55, 25 May 1978.
with C.E. Baum, EMP Education Memo 1, 12 June 1977.
with C.E. Baum, R.W.P. King, D. Blejer and S-K. Wan, Miscellaneous Simulator Memo 11, 26 May 1977.
with C.E. Baum, C.M. Wiggins, W.O. Collier and R.L. Hutchins ALECS Memo 8, 8 May 1977.
with C.E. Baum and K.C. Chen, ATLAS Memo 22, 5 January 1977.
with C.E. Baum and D.R. Rossbach, Miscellaneous Simulator Memo 8, 4 November 1976.
with C.E. Baum, ATLAS Memo 19, 29 October 1976.
with C.E. Baum and D.F. Higgins, ATLAS Memo 18, 7 October 1976.
with C.E. Baum and R.D. Gonzalez, Sensor and Simulation Note 219, 1 April 1976.
with B.K. Singaraju and C.E. Baum, Mathematics Note 42, March 1976.
Mathematics Note 41, 12 January 1976.
with B.K. Singaraju and C.E. Baum, Mathematics Note 40, December 1975.